The Bus Show


The Bus Show


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Specially rewritten as an audio show and layered with an immersive soundscape designed by producer Ben Eriksen, this is a recording of Laura’s 2019 Edinburgh Fringe show ‘Better Dead Than A Coward’ performed live, to nobody, in a cupboard, during a pandemic.

Show Review 2019 by Claire Smith for The Scotsman

“I love the way this London based Australian comic tells a story. Hands fluttering, she focuses on the tiny details of life – the bus rides, the bags of crisps, the moths fluttering around a light bulb. Her voice is soft and she leads you gently into exploring her joyfully eccentric world…

Having done stand up for twelve years has allowed Davis to explore her darker side and she’s disarmingly candid about her emotional life. There is a steely strength beneath her soft exterior and she springs jokes like a trap, taking the audience by surprise.

She’s happy performing on the top floor of Bob’s Blundabus, having spent a couple of financially ruinous years in bigger venues. And it suits her style, to be sharing warm intimate storytelling comedy on the top floor of a bus with the rain falling softly on the roof.”

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